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Vlad Gold, 7.03.2019


Dear Lenochka! With 8 March! And happy birthdays.! Stay so charming., Modest, mysterious and kind! I want to wish you success in your work, Good , Fashion, top songs, Love , Harmony and of course Health to You and Your Loved Ones! Smile more often , Because your smile is so beautiful! Embrace, I kiss you, respect and appreciate!

Elena, 28.04.2017


Elena , thank you for your songs, just the delight of listening to your voice. More often you want to see you on t/in, you're a talent! Good luck, open doors to your talent, I think all people will agree with me..

Vladislav, 8.10.2016


you're just a goddess!

Home, 30.09.2016


Queen!Thank you for the concert in Minsk. got a lot of fun!

Maxim Korolev, 18.04.2016


waiting for new-new songs!

Carrot, 2.04.2016


When I first saw and heard Lena sing,was astonished,immediately raised the question"Who is she?It's just an angel coming down to stay with us.".It is one of the rare phenomena in modern,oversaturated music,The voice is incredible and unlike any other,you can immediately feel the power of energy,it's like it's permeating you.,And this beauty,femininity and tenderness"I wish I had such a wife.:D".
So many years go by,and I still think Lena is the Best,every now and then I swim in the expanses of the and the innet on my lonely boat )) But I'm not looking for more of her songs. ((,Although there are still a lot of performers,but it's all wrong,it's just ordinary talents or ordinary... And Lena is not enough ((.
Anyway.,Even if I don't hear her.,I would like to wish her happiness,Love,all the realizations of their desires,Be happy and all good to you.,Sweet Lena).

Vladimir, 25.02.2016


Elena You always charge with your music, I wish you success on a difficult life path.

Lepota, 18.02.2016


Elena, Hello. It's very good for you to sing jazz.!!!! You've got a great, Luxurious, unusual voice. Carry on. Good luck.

Svetlana, 16.02.2016


Helen, Waiting for you!!!! VERY much you are missing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Olga, 10.02.2016


Elena, Hello!
I love your songs, your creativity. You have a beautiful voice timbre, and the songs have their own "Breath". I dream of hearing you in a live sound, at your concert! Come to us in Khabarovsk with a concert. I'm sure, that so many will come to your concert, you are very much loved in our region.
I wish you inspiration for new creations, Be happy!
